Tuesday, December 7, 2010



ろくじからいちじかんはんぐらいそふとそぼといっしょにばんごはんをたべます。チキンスープととやさいとぶたにくをたべて、 エッグノッグをのみます。たいていにぎやかで、おもしろいです。いつもたのしくて、いいです。そして、つまらなくありません。

かぞくはファイアプレースのちかくのクリスマスの木の下にプレゼントがあります。クリスマスの木大きくてあかるい 木です。


としクリスマスが土曜日にあります. 私はうれしいです!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


せんしゅうのしゅうまつノートルダムだいがくからワシントンデーシーのちかくのバージニアまでいきました。わたしのおじ(uncle)とおば(aunt)とちち(father)とはは(mother)といもうと(younger sister)もいきました。バージニアにそふとそぶ(grandma & grandpa)のうちがあります。かぞく(family)としっくりしました。
わたしのいもう (Caroline)


わたしのいもう(Juli)といとこ(Dani & Randi)


 わたしのそふとそぶ(grandma & grandpa)といとこ(Randi)



しゅくだいをしませんでした。I will probably regret my lack of studying, but I had an amazing break. Unfortunately, 3 weeks separate me and Christmas break! :(

Sunday, November 14, 2010


しゅうまつにたくさんものをします! まいしゅうわたしはいそがしいです。

金曜日にりょうしんにでんわをかけます。I told them about where I think I am going to intern next summer. (It keeps changing, but as of right now:) ボーイング(Boeing)でしごとをします。わたしはとてもうれしいです!


I will be working on Commercial Airplanes in their Autoflight Controls Groups near Seattle, Washington. シアトレ(Seattle)からきましたか?




Thursday, October 28, 2010

ハロウィン (Halloween)

I was speaking with my best friend who is studying abroad in Germany today. Considering it's the 28th of October, I asked her what she was going to be for  ハロウィン this weekend. I was surprised to hear that the holiday is not a very big deal over there. This made me curious as to how the holiday is celebrated in Japan. I was reading a few articles online, and one said that Haunted Houses are big in the summer! This seemed odd to me considering summer is usually an inappropriate time to go to a Haunted House. I don't think I've ever heard of a Haunted House being open in the summer, even. O-bon, which celebrates the memory of dead relatives, is celebrated in the summer, though. This explains the seemingly odd time of celebration. 


Those are some of the websites I browsed. The third website below was the most helpful:

"It is only recently that Japan is discovering the joys of All Hallow’s Eve. A traditionally American holiday with a background in respecting the wandering spirits of the earth, the Japanese decided to do away with the religious aspects altogether and adopt the pumpkins, candies, costumes, and merry-making associated with it. Though still only observed by a fraction of the population, Halloween is a growth industry, fueled by commercialism and a cultural need for another festival that has outfits going for it." 

Has anyone been to Japan during Halloween? I think it would be really interesting to see how another country, specifically Japan, celebrates this holiday.
I wonder if trick-or-treating is commonplace in Japan. Could you imagine getting pocky in your treat bag!?! I would die. They look so tasty!

Sunday, October 24, 2010



にほんごおべんきょしました。かんじはむずかしくて、たいへんです(Kanji is difficult and tough!)!そして、こうがくのしゅかだいおしました。そして、かいものにいきました。そうじとせんたくおしました(I did cleaning and laundry)。

でも、あそびました(I also had fun!)!ジョギングおしました(I went jogging)。そして、わたしのうちでゆっくりしました(I relaxed at my home)。

もくようびにペンシルバニアからカリフォルニアまでいきました(I went from Pennsylvania to California)! I had an interview with Raytheon for an internship next summer. In fact, Raytheon paid for my flight and hotel to El Segundo! :) While the company does a lot of things with the military and defense, the specific location I interviewed at focuses on Space and Airborne Systems. During the day, they showed us some of their labs where they test the equipment before they give it to their customers, such as NASA. I would LOVE to work there so I really hope I get it.

If you have no idea what Raytheon is, you can check out their website: http://www.raytheon.com/businesses/rsas/

わたしのりょうはライエンホール(Ryan Hall)です。ノートルダム大学のほんやのとなり(next to)です。デバートロ(Debartolo)のちかく(close to)です。わたしのりょうはあまりふるくありません。わたしのりょうはあたらしいたてものです。とてもりっぱです。ですから(so, therefore)ひるい(spacious)へやがあります。


せんしゅうのしゅまつに24-Hour Spaceでパーティにいきました。Junk foodをたべました。(There was a chocolate fountain!)わたしのりょうはよくきんようびに24-Hour Spaceでパーティがあります。ときどきJunk foodをたべます。

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Notre Dame vs. Pitt!

ペンシルバニアのピツバグからきました。どようびにわたしのごりょうしんはノートルダムだいがくにきました。They tailgated with my friends and me! (And of course, わたしのごりょおしんはノートルダムだいがくのフットボールをみました。) くじはんごろRed Robinでたべました。It was really good to see them. :)