Thursday, October 28, 2010

ハロウィン (Halloween)

I was speaking with my best friend who is studying abroad in Germany today. Considering it's the 28th of October, I asked her what she was going to be for  ハロウィン this weekend. I was surprised to hear that the holiday is not a very big deal over there. This made me curious as to how the holiday is celebrated in Japan. I was reading a few articles online, and one said that Haunted Houses are big in the summer! This seemed odd to me considering summer is usually an inappropriate time to go to a Haunted House. I don't think I've ever heard of a Haunted House being open in the summer, even. O-bon, which celebrates the memory of dead relatives, is celebrated in the summer, though. This explains the seemingly odd time of celebration.

Those are some of the websites I browsed. The third website below was the most helpful:

"It is only recently that Japan is discovering the joys of All Hallow’s Eve. A traditionally American holiday with a background in respecting the wandering spirits of the earth, the Japanese decided to do away with the religious aspects altogether and adopt the pumpkins, candies, costumes, and merry-making associated with it. Though still only observed by a fraction of the population, Halloween is a growth industry, fueled by commercialism and a cultural need for another festival that has outfits going for it." 

Has anyone been to Japan during Halloween? I think it would be really interesting to see how another country, specifically Japan, celebrates this holiday.
I wonder if trick-or-treating is commonplace in Japan. Could you imagine getting pocky in your treat bag!?! I would die. They look so tasty!


  1. Cool post テイラーさん!
    Last fall I was abroad in オーストラリア、 オーストラリアに ハロウィンが ありません。 :( So オーストラリア人 had a good laugh at us アメリカ人 when we dressed up.
    ポッキーを たべました。そして、ポッキーは とても おいしい です。

  2. ああおいしいですね。I've only had ポッキー once, そしてポッキーはおいしいでした。

    ""It is only recently that Japan is discovering the joys of All Hallow’s Eve. A traditionally American holiday with a background in respecting the wandering spirits of the earth, the Japanese decided to do away with the religious aspects altogether..."

    I don't know anyone in America who celebrates the religious aspects :D. Who doesn't like a day dedicated to candy and outrageous outfits?

    あなたはわたしのブログにかきました。 It was about コーヒー。わたしは regular コーヒーがすきです。Decaf はくろいみずです! Hah not really, but I prefer Starbucks or Tim Hortons caffeinated coffee. ときどきくろいコーヒーをのみます。でもぎゅうにゅうとコーヒーがだいすきです。

  3. Re: "What is your favorite flavor of ポッキー?"

    I've only had like, two sticks of ストロベリーの ポッキー courtesy of a little cousin of mine. :)

    Raytheon paid for your trip to LA? いいですね! Did you go anywhere else in ロサンゼルス? ロサンゼルスで どこに いきましたか。

  4. Sorry for the late reply! (Candlelit mass)マスは さんじゅっぷんぐらい かかります! It is great, you should come see it sometime.
